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>  Services  >  Preparatory Phase

NYISO Direct Customer Application  |   Utility Company Agreement  |   Load Forecasting Model  |   Energy Purchasing Policy  |   Energy Procurement System  |   Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)  |   Customized Reporting

NYISO Direct Customer Application
Identify and provide all forms required to obtain approval for Direct Customer status with the NYISO. This will include the Direct Customer Application, Credit Policy Agreement, and all other required documents. We will discuss the required documents with your Legal and Finance departments, act as liaison with NYISO, and facilitate the completion and execution of the required documents.

Utility Company Agreement
Identify and provide all forms required by the utility company to participate as a NYISO Direct Customer. This will include the EDI Trading Partner Agreement and all other required documents. We will discuss the required documents with your Legal and Financial departments, act as liaison with the utility company, and we will facilitate the completion and execution of the required documents.

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Load Forecasting Model
Develop a customized Energy Modeling tool for Your Company. This model will utilize custom load profiles for each location and aggregate the predicted hourly consumption. It will adjust for seasonality, weather, and production schedules and will be fine-tuned on a monthly basis with actual consumption data from the Utility Company.

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Energy Purchasing Policy
Work with Your Company to develop a policy for purchasing energy in the Day Ahead and Real Time energy markets. We will discuss the potential risks and rewards of Real Time energy purchases, make recommendations based on trend analyses, and institute a purchasing policy as directed by Your Company.

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Energy Procurement System
Develop an automated system to submit the hourly load forecasts and energy purchases. This will allow us to submit our purchasing decisions up to 2 weeks in advance and still allow "last minute" changes based on market conditions.

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Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
Implement an EDI system, as required by the utility company. This process will involve the successful completion of Certification Testing with the Public Service Commission as well as the utility.

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Customized Reporting
Design customized reports to present the Actual Energy Costs, Avoided Costs, and Net Savings in a clear and concise manner. In this case, the Avoided Costs are what you would have paid the utility company if you continued to purchase the commodity from them. This amount will be accurate and verifiable.

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>  Services  >  Preparatory Phase