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>  Services  >  Operational Phase

Purchase UCAP  |   Forecast Load  |   Purchasing Strategy  |   Purchase Energy  |   Process Utility Billing Data  |   Analyze NYISO Bills  |   Purchasing Strategy Effectiveness Report  |   Present Savings Reports  |   Industry Issues / Opportunities  |   Maintain Redundant Systems

Purchase UCAP
Implement a procedure to secure UCAP each month. This will include participation in the NYISO auctions (Strip, Monthly, Spot) and/or assisting with the solicitation of UCAP proposals from other sources. Ensure that Your Company has adequate UCAP to meet NYISO requirements.

Forecast Load
Utilize the Load Forecasting Model on a weekly basis to predict Your Company's aggregated load by hour. The forecast will be modified by localized weather conditions, current production schedules, and other factors which impact energy consumption.

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Purchasing Strategy
Develop short term energy purchasing strategy based on current market conditions. We will utilize our proprietary economic algorithm to analyze current market pricing indicators and identify potential hours of opportunity for Real Time energy purchases. With Your Company's approval, we will purchase power in the Real Time market for a portion of the total load in target hours.

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Purchase Energy
Communicate Load Forecast and Energy Purchasing decisions to NYISO on behalf of Your Company. We will forecast load and schedule energy purchases up to two weeks in advance and maintain the ability to modify our decisions up to the last hour permitted by NYISO.

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Process Utility Billing Data
Retrieve billing data from the utility company via EDI transactions and translate into a useful format. Use billing data to produce a mock energy supply bill from the utility company that reflects what Your Company would have paid for energy if they still purchased the commodity from the utility company. This represents the "Avoided Cost" mentioned previously.

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Analyze NYISO Bills
Retrieve NYISO billing data and review for correctness. Review bills with Your Company personnel and act as liaison with NYISO to resolve any billing issues.

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Purchasing Strategy Effectiveness Report
Prepare a monthly report which identifies the cost savings attributable to the Real Time energy purchasing decisions. Present and discuss this report with Your Company personnel.

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Present Savings Reports
Prepare and present Savings analyses showing the Avoided Cost, Actual Cost, and Net Energy Savings on a monthly basis. Prepare year-end reports summarizing costs and savings for the fiscal/calendar year.

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Industry Issues / Opportunities
Identify and discuss issues pertaining to the New York energy markets, NYISO Direct Customer status, changing utility requirements, policy changes within NYISO, and all other energy related issues that have the potential to impact Your Company and your participation as a NYISO Direct Customer. Provide guidance and support with respect to risk management and budget forecasting.

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Maintain Redundant Systems
We maintain redundant computer systems in Rochester and Buffalo to ensure continuous operation. In the event of a system failure at one location, our redundant system is capable of providing all necessary functions, without interruption. In the highly unlikely event of simultaneous system failures at both locations, we have disaster recovery ability from a third site. This site will be up and running within 24 hours of the dual system failure. To further mitigate this risk, it is our standard practice to schedule power and submit purchasing decisions two weeks in advance. Although this sometimes requires us to resubmit our purchasing decisions, we feel that the extra level of security justifies the occasional duplication of effort.

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>  Services  >  Operational Phase